
                         Solidarity with Thung!



On Saturday 9 December 2000 in small town Bernsdorf(Saxony) a group of local nazi-skinheads

had their usual fun :they `ve been provoking and harassing people around in search for easy victim.At the traditional Christmas Market three of nazis encircled a stall owned by vietnamese family,insulted them with rascist slogans and finally demolished their merchandise .15 years old Thung D. went then home ,picked up a kitchen knife and got back.He found two of these nazis and stabbed them.One died that same night in hospital,a second one got injured.

We don´t know yet exact details about this incident and they`re not important for us except for juristical reasons.All what we know is this,that a person which in this rascist country is assigned only with a victim role had defended himself sucsessfully.In last 10 years in Germany nazis killed more than hundred people and injured thousends.Presence of nazis especially in a East,called "Zone"(from "National Liberated Zone")is since long time accepted as a normality.Fascist gangs are mostly perceived as "our youngsters" and fact,that they are actually controlling whole regions,terrorizing everybody who doesn`t fit in their picture of "a good German",seems to not be disturbing for almost anybody.German state,which tries to pose since last summer as a "antifascist" is simply interested only in economical problems caused by nazis (foreign investors or tourists are being scared out) and big parts of "originally german"society have at least understanding for rascist ideas(even if they reject violence as "a wrong way").

Thung sits now in prison waiting for a process.Bernsdorf is actually occupied by nazis praising their new"martyr".All vietnamese families been forced to left the city and Thung`s parents are now in difficult financial situation.Good and engaged lawyer`s team took Thung`s case.For their work and support of his family we want to collect donations...

We`ll gonna appreciate any gestures of solidarity.


For informations: For donations:

Antirassistische Initiative Antirassistische Initiative

Yorckstr.59 Berlin

10965 Berlin,Germany Bank für Sozialwirtschaft

Phone:0049/(0)30/7857281 BLZ 100 205 00

Fax:0049/(0)30/7869984 Konto-Nr.3039606

E-mail:ari@ipn.de "Spende Thung"